indian cinema heritage foundation

Station Master (1942)

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  • Release Date1942
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time157 mins
  • Length4318.40 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor Certificate NumberB-25496

Just a very common and very familiar NAME: “Station Master!” Everybody knows him and he knows everybody – apparently an exaggerated virtue this; however, Station Master in his life-career comes across a memorable host of persons and personalities. Like a big politician he indulges in a highly interesting life and revolves round its varied phases. Hence this story; of a seemingly common and obscure, yet useful man: Station Master. 
From one station to another Parmanand Babu trudged on from the commencing years of his career. Now however, for several years past he was happily established at Rangpur, a mediocre-looking station on the trunk line, inspite of its boast as a petty junction too. Calamitous death of his beloved wife snatched the Station Master’s interest in life – leaving his only child Usha to nurse his home life. But the daughter, when the story begins, has come of age; a brimming beauteous youth caresses her all over; and the Station Master wonders if this was another calamity!
To begin with, Hargovan Babu, a veteran passenger guard working on Rampur line, goes on leave to celebrate the marriage of his daughter and Arun Babu, a young guard of about 24 years is substituted to conduct Hargovan’s 39 down passenger to Rangpur. 
The kindly Station Master, after preliminary introductions recalls Arun Babu as son of his onetime associate at Amarghat Junction and treats him to a home tea. Fate introduces Arun and Usha amid humorous situations which strengthen amid prosperous blossoms of the back yard garden of Guard’s Rest Room at Rampur. Here Arun happily enjoys musical hours, attracted as he was by Usha. It was a case of love at first sight with him; but then you know the path of love is never smooth and strange to say a thorn stealthily drops off him in the shape of letter which Arun had brought for the Station Master from Manek Babu: head clerk of District Traffic Superintendent. This clever letter fatefully reads about a proposal of Usha’s marital engagement with the D.T.S. himself; while Arun all the while indulges in a flight of love-serenade for Usha. How ignorant he was! For him however fate was conspiring in a sinister way. Manek Babu, had himself a handsome daughter who was slightly crack-headed and bit thick of brains. Her, he wanted to marry with Arun on whom he had long set his sharp eyes. Manek Babu, once tackles the problem with Arun’s mother but the son, who accepts the prospect happily. Meanwhile with the cunning of which he was so capable Manek Babu works up Didi: Sister to D.T.S. Niranjan Babu, into insisting upon her widowed brother for a second marriage. 
After a long struggle Niranjan consents for a remarriage. Didi and Manek Babu visit Rangpur to see Usha and Parmanand kindly soul as he was, gives consent to Usha’s marriage without consulting her. Indeed, he desired once to consult her, but his old points man by name Kalicharan, forbids the Station Master from this unorthodox and unmannerly gesture. But there was a reason to this unnecessary intervention on the part of a mere pointsman. He knew about Usha’s love for Arun and would never wish such a high marriage suit crumble to pieces just for a cheap girlish caprice. Usha revolts within herself; subsequently she rebels more actively, but Kalicharan’s wife Sona subdues her into subjection. Now she must forget Arun! It was the case of her father’s reputation!
Manek Babu demands Arun’s answer for his daughter. He flatly refuses. Later events cast sinister shadows in Arun’s affairs and Manek Babu informs Parmanand to keep an eye on Usha. This bit of extraordinary injunction shocks the Station Master; he at once consults Usha whose tears reveal the pathos attending her engagement with D.T.S. but now it was late! Too late! Parmanand had given his full consent and it was sheer calamity to withdraw from the given word. A great dilemma loomed before his spectacled eyes and causes nervous breakdown. Pressure of work maddens him and a collision of passenger with the resting goods involves his blotless career in a series of disgusting investigations, inquiries and finally to a judicial procedure. The latter acquits the Station Master, but his heart was broken. How shocked he was to hear about victims of the collision, one among whom was Arun who was travelling to Rangpur to see Usha Personally. After a few days convalescence Arun tries to see Usha and bravely frees her from the ties of love. But the pang is all the same there in the heart of both. Usha’s sacrifice for her father, Arun’s resignation of his job are the later events. But the villainous Manek Babu blubbers about Arun’s love for Usha before D.T.S. himself. The latter requests Arun to withdraw his resignation and appoints him to conduct as guard his special Barat Train for Rangpur!
Now the situation gains tremendous momentum and speed. Needless to describe here subsequent events. What happens to Usha, how Arun conducts himself in the fateful situation, what happens to Manek Babu and his mad-cap daughter and who marries whom, are all interesting events which the screen will better relate in an amazing crescendo of Screen climaxes!

[From the official press booklet]

